and Florence
It was a wrench to leave as we spent a few days not living In Cornwall
but in Florence, celebrating a 'significant' birthday...click image for more.
Close to Eden
One of the unbounded joys of living In Cornwall is the spectacle of summer
gardens showing off plants and flowers
that more often flourish in the Mediterranean ...click
image for more.
is Coming and the Geese are going AWOL!
It's a couple of weeks to Christmas and this account sums just about
how daft living in Cornwall can be. It's a true event of 'every day life
of country people'..click image for more.
Cold November
Rain and a Yurt
Looking out to sea, I could imagine Axl Rose sipping an Earl Grey and a munching
on a Garibaldi as he wrote "Cold November Rain'- then again, maybe
not...click image for more.
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